I took a walk with my dog, Ally last night as snow blanketed the neighborhood. There is something so serene about the first big snowfall. As I walked toward the river, I glanced over my shoulder to look at my footprints. Doing what I do, I fully expected to see many footprints, big and small, following me. I thought of the many children I connect with who have gone home before their parents and siblings...being the first to step foot on the path to heaven. The children's words will echo in my heart until we meet again...
"Tell my parents I am okay. Everyone stood in a circle to greet me. I felt like a protective blanket wrapped around me and I knew everything would be alright. Love filled every fiber of my being. There is no time in heaven so I take comfort knowing I will see my parents and siblings again. I was the first to walk the path but I won't be the last. Tell them my love for them will never die. Smile and laugh for me--don't feel guilty because it fills my spirit with such joy to know you are living for me, I am living through you. I will make my presence known if you open your heart to unlimited possibilities... a song on the radio, a coin with the date of my birth, a beautiful bird that catches your eye, my sports number, a call with nobody on the other end, and best of all, a dream where I hug you or tell you "I'm not dead."
The holidays bring the joy of the season and the emptiness of missing a loved one. "I see my ornament. I see my tree," they say to me. Last year, one young boy in heaven told me exactly what his brother was getting from "Santa." He also told me where dad...I mean Santa, hid it. "I will be there, even when they can't feel me around. They have to trust in their hearts that I am still with them," Sean said to me.
For many of my adopted families, this will be the first holiday without a special loved one. We want to assure you that this is a physical separation only and you are not alone. They know how much you love and miss them. They want you to know they are happy and out of pain. The best gift you can give the loved one you miss is a knowing in your heart that they are still a part of your life. Your thoughts speak directly to them and your tears are wiped away. So, light the tree (even if it's a Charlie Browner), hang the ornament, light the Menora in their memory, light a candle and speak from your heart, hug someone still here and tell them you love them. Do all of this with an absolute knowing that you will all be together again- celebrating.
I'm walking back to my house now. The white lights sparkle on the snow. Through the silence and stillness, I can hear the children laughing. They fill me with knowledge and peace.
A Very Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all.
Believe in Miracles,
Thank you for your thoughts. They do help. I miss my mom who passed Feb 07. I am sitting here holding my sleeping (1st) granddaughter hoping that my mom is watching over us. I do want to belive.
Dear Maureen,
Thank you for being such an angel, connecting those of us still here in the physical with the spiritual beings whom we love and have gone before us.
One day I hope that the tears will stop falling from my eyes when I think of Gil, but for now I find peace in them.
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us, and may you and your family have a peaceful Christmas and a wonderful new year.
Thank you for your words and thoughts. Our only son passed last Nov. 07, leaving behind a wife and 3 children, a very loving Mum & Dad
and 4 devoted sisters,wow what a shock it was to everyone,he was 42 years old and had a massive heart attack. Well 6 months to the day after that, my honey of 44 1/2 years had an endoscopy appt.long and short of that, not good news, my honey HAD esophageal cancer,which at first diagnosis was stage 4, again not good news, then had chemo. and the chemo. numbers kept rising, tried a different chemo. mix , again numbers on blood tests kept rising, so not good,well then my honey had a stroke Oct. 29,08 and had numerous strokes after that, was in a wheelchair, not able to speak, BUT did communicate thru his beautiful blue eyes,then on Dec. 1st,08 the true love of my life passed in his sleep and in my arms in his hospital bed, AT HOME ,where he wanted to be, so I REALLY NEED to believe here.I DO KNOW that my 2 guys are now together and my honey is suffering no longer, but the horrid hurt is unbearable to say the least.Thank you for listening to me ramble on.
Dear Maureen,
Your message is beautiful. Did you take that gorgeous photo?
Thanks for the beauutiful, comforting words. I know my son is happy in Heaven and he suffers no more. He has found the peace in Heaven that he tried so hard to find on earth but couldn't . I miss him but feel him with me everyday. He is spending Christmas with Jesus this year and one day we will be together again.
Thank you Maureen for all the comfort you bring to us. May God always bless you and your family.
Thank you so much for all that you do. You have been truly blessed and we have in turn been blessed by having you to comfort us. I do believe in miracles and I'm hoping to one day develop my own abilities. With much love and my sincere Blessings, SuzanneB
Hi Maureen,
That was a beautiful reminder.... Did you notice both of your posts were at 7:38?!?
I can't thank you enough for all you do. You met with me and my sister after my 18 year old nephew Tom was murdered. The comfort you bring when we hear from him through you is undescribable. I've come to a point in my healing now that reading your note brings me great comfort too. Thank you for all you do.. and I wish you and your family the best..
I just wanted to add my thanks, Maureen. I can't describe how a little visit from my Andy through you, a dream, or other sign, makes me feel. I guess the only word I can use is strength. You have strengthened so many of us grieving parents with hope. Now we are open to signs from our children! I loved your blog entry for December. You are so good to share your gift with us. God bless you and your whole family.
love love love
Thank you for letting our children reach us....they try so hard and we want so deeply to hear them...
Blessings to you
Thank you for the rainbow and Christmas gift. We feel you were passing a message from Sean and for that we thank you so much. It means so much that he talks to you. You have been so good to us and it always seems to be when we really needed it.
Sean's mom & dad
A friend of mine reently introduced your web site to me. I find it refreashing and comforting.
I am in need of hope. My father passed away in March. He suffered from lung disease. He was so angry at me at the end of his life. I tried to help, but I couldn't do enough. It is so painful to know that he died angry at me.
I would love to see another blog update. I have friends that would benefit from one of your events and would love to hear more about them.
Thank you for the work you do.
What a wonderful post and also a subject that is fascinating to me. I am always thrilled when I have a dream about a departed loved one or pet. Blessings to you.
Dear Maureen-
You have helped me so much this past year after we suddenly and unexpectedly lost our 21 year old son Jack. I miss him very much but YOU have been a tremendous source of comfort to me. As a father I felt that I had to keep a close eye on Jack and "guide him" to hopefully stay on the "right track". After Jack passed I still felt those fatherly desires to check in with him and make sure that he was ok. I was also worried about him because he had not known anyone who had died before. You helped me have some additional time with Jack. Which is invaluable to me. You helped me to realize that Jack is in a much better place, that he is happy, has no disabilities, and has a lot of friends. I feel more and more connected Spiritually to Jack and that is because of the tremendous work you have done with me.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,
Marty Rowland
What a beautiful post - such calm, thoughtful writing is peaceful and soothing to read. I'm trying to achieve something similar at Merewether Life and would love you to come over and share a comment.
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